Bells have a centuries-long tradition
of varied use in the navies and merchant fleets of the world. Signaling, keeping time, and sounding alarms are important in
a ship's routine and readiness. Their functional and ceremonial uses have made them a symbol of considerable significance
to the United States Navy. It has long been a naval tradtion for the ships' Bosn' to make the first pot of coffee on the mess
decks, while the cook would polish the ships bell. Additionally crew members sometimes asked the ships' chaplin to christen
newborn babies in the bell filled with water. USS Concord's bell was removed prior to sinkage and has since been relocated
to the below information. In addition a search has begun to locate the ships bronze minuteman statue and commissioning plaque.
As these items are located we will provide the details at this page. Anyone with knowledge relating to these treasures are
asked to contact the webmaster below.