“A ship is safe in harbor,
but that's not what ships are for.”
~ William G.T. Shedd
Here's where we'll list announcements,
items of interest, and news about shipmates. If you'd like to post information here, please click the link and let us
know. Also, if you know the whereabouts or how to contact other CONCORD shipmates who aren't CVA members ,
please submit that information as well so we may contact them. (click I have photos, information, or other items for the site! )
your personal information changed since you signed our sailing list? If so visit the quarterdeck and give us
the updates. We want to ensure you stay up-to-date with association
Welcome Aboard to our newest members/renewals: Frank Sprada (MM3
68-72), Herbert Taylor (Commanding Officer 85-87), Marty Miller (HT1 82-84), Richard Russell (LT 81-84), David Muldowney (DK3
72-75), Bruce Koon (DP3 79-81), Bob Edmunds (LT 84-86), Robert Beaumont (E3 68-71), John Groat (HTFN 82-85), Bill Matterazzo
(EM2 70-73), (Gary Jardine (BT2 70-73), Samuel Karst (MM2 68-71), Richard Anderson (JO2 79-82), James Joiner (MM2 82-84),
Samuel Karst (MM2 68-71), Kent Sotzing (OS2 73-76), Mike Blank (BMSN 74-75), John Kosicki (LT 69-70), Skip Dent (SK2 68-70),
George Trbovich (CAPT 80-82), Thomas Sullivan (E3 73-75), Larry Baun (LT 80-83), Wesley Linscott (RM1 83-84), William Golding
(BT2 72-76), Marc Schnittiker (SK3 82-86), Bruce Maxon (CDR 78-80, Jim Evans (SM3 68-70).
Shipmate Terry Workman (AK2 81-85) is making some minor repairs to his Shellback certificate and wanted
to offer info for anyone else who may need it. He offers the following: I am sending this Info on Our ShellBack Indoctrination to post on Concords Website.
Enabling Shipmates that might need this info to obtain new Certificates with the correct factual Date Lat, Long - Degrees
and Mins And Commanding Officer. Our Crossing Date was the 27th of September 1984 at Latitude 00000 and Longitude 036
Degrees / 08 Minutes. Commanding Officer F.J. Doughterty. Best Certificates I think and Price https://certificatesbytiffany.com/
Thanks Terry.
From Samantha Marie:
I stumbled across your website after searching for information on my biological father. He passed away when
I was 10 years old, so 23 years ago now. Samantha new little about her dad so we directed her to some navy sites to help in
the search for her dads history. The only thing she had was this CMAA badge of her dads.
His name was Steven L. Cottrell and he was in the US. Navy approx. 1976-1978 time frame.
Sadly we have lost another shipmate and a USS Concord Plankowner. RM2 Euin "Tiny" Leonard 68-70. We can't ever
forget the hard work and sacrifices these shipmates made in breathing life and standing up our great ship. Thanks Tiny for
all you did. Following seas shipmate⚓️⚓️
REUNION 2010 |
RM2 Leonard |
Yet another shipmate,
Richard Higgins (SK1 81-85) has departed on Eternal Deployment. Higgy also most recently reunited with fellow shipmates at
the 2010 Concord reunion. Please remember his family in prayer and his obituary is posted at our Eternal Deployment web-page.
REUNION 2010 |
SK1 Higgins |
Our shipmate, Keith
Church (SKC 82-85) has departed on Eternal Deployment. Chief Church was an active member of USS Concord Veterans
Association and most recently reunited with fellow shipmates at the 2010 Concord reunion. Please
remember his family in prayer and his obituary is posted at our Eternal Deployment web-page.
REUNION 2010 |
Keith Church, one of my dearest shipmates
and friend, passed away on 17 July 2015.
Our families were bound together by Keith and I serving together in USS Concord (83-85).
Many other families and shipmates have also remained close from this assignment. My wife Mary, and daughters Jackie
and Heather, attended the viewing Sunday. Transiting the miles between Richmond and Virginia Beach, the car was filled
with recollections of life events that included my family (the Kruse’s) and Keith’s (the Churches). There
was the barbeques, Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, the birthday parties, weddings, births, the hunkering down at 405 Grenfel
for a hurricane, and the events that occurred when we were at sea. Each one of us, girls included, shared stories filling
most of the 4 hours.
In addition to being my friend, Keith was my mentor and partner in making Concord Supply top
Thinking about his other assignments.
Pre-commissioning Abe Lincoln? Keith
was there to organize and run Stock Control. I’m sure that supply operations on Yellowstone and Simon Lake were
also significantly enhanced by Keith being engaged in their supply operation.
But most importantly, I’m confident
that there are many young box-kickers who became masters of their ship’s accounting or inventory management systems
through Keith’s mentoring.
Sitting here with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat, I say so long, Senior
Chief. Thank you for being my friend, shipmate and mentor for all these years.
Dan Kruse, SKCS, USN-Retired
Were you part of Concord during the Gulf War? If so this company has decal for that service "Click here".
I am looking for anyone who served with me in
X Division the years of 83-85, especially someone in the Ship's Office. I'm trying to get additional VA benefits so I'm looking
for someone who slept in a rack near by. What I need to know is, (dumb question?) did I snore.
If you know that
the answer is yes, would you be willing to make a statement to that effect. Apparently snoring is part of Sleep Apnea, which
I have now been diagnosed as having. Please contact me by mail, or e-mail at dluth@charter.net.
PNC(SW) Donald E Luth, USN, Retired
Lacy Rice's Request:
My dad, Rick Rice, served aboard the Concord at some point in his Navy career. I'm guessing sometime
between 1968-71.Just wanting to know if anyone knew him, I know it's a long shot. He passed away two years ago and and I'm
just trying to find more information about his time in the Navy.
"If you served with
and have information concerning Rick Rice (who has been honored at our eternal deployment page) please contact Lacy at
lacyrice@gmail.com" Webmaster.
Attention All Hands - We
have another request from the wife of a departed shipmate. Gloria Boyd, wife of deceased shipmate, SN George T "Tommy"
Boyd (1971-1975) is asking that anyone who knew Tommy to contact her and their two daughters. They are so excited about
the prospect of contacting anyone who knew Tommy. If you can help the Boyd's please click the link below. Thanks!
Contact Gloria:
One of the Association's main goals is to develop a Members Roster so we can document the names of all who sailed
in CONCORD. If you would like to enable our Association Members to contact you, please provide your contact information.
Please understand that this information will only be available to our members! This will enable your CVA shipmates
to contact you. Your personal contact information will not be visible to non Association members or the general
public. Please click below to add your contact information to our data base roster.
Roster Sign-up Page
I'm a proud CONCORD veteran and I want to Join, Gain Access to the members data base roster, and become a CVA Member now!